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How can you help your children improve their learning skills?

Remembering to take the right notebook; memorizing the right terms; Samantha called me a snob; don’t forget! Practice moved to Monday; don’t panic, it’s just a test; I am so tired; what’s in my sandwich today?!

And if all of that isn’t enough – stressed out parents, and demands that increase each year –

What do we get? Exhausted and frustrated teenagers!


The amounts of anti-anxiety and antidepressant medication, along with the quantity of Ritalin prescribed for teens and pre-teens have reached alarming numbers. In response, many parents seek to find better solutions for this great challenge.

So, what are learning skills?

Learning skills include many different aspects, including memory abilities, coping with stress, mastering study material, retrieval of specific information and the ability to implement the information.

For these purposes, the student must have good expression and language skills, provide a broad enough vocabulary and properly express themselves orally and in writing. The student is required to convert their thoughts into writing, and the written material - into thoughts. When the amount of material is large, they must decide what is relevant to them and know when their creativity is extraordinary - and when it is too much.


All of the above, within a period of transitions between grade school, middle school and high school, and with the many stressful obligations such as quizzes and exams and papers to hand in. And all of this occurs at a time in their life that is an emotional roller coaster with their need for independence.

Truthfully? Not too easy.


So how does the Vardi Method perceive learning skills?

Even if they are intelligent, have quick perception and great abilities, most students are not educated to take advantage of their potential. When they become anxious and have difficulty concentrating and are impulsive - then the situation becomes even more complex.
In fact, the neurophysiological Vardi Method assists the child in how to learn.

The Vardi Method enables the student to be aware of their inherent internal strengths and teaches how to control those that may limit them from reaching their full potential.

In the initial consultation meeting, I will achieve an understanding of the developmental delays and outline the treatment outline according to my observation. In the following meetings, physical coordinative exercises will be taught and performed, both on the motoric and cognitive levels, and as a result, we will train the brain and improve memory and info retrieval and methods of dealing with learning materials in large quantities.

Help your child overcome their test anxiety and improve their learning skills!

Fill in your contact info below and schedule a free of charge consultation.

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